Ken Hansen

Ken Hansen

I do computers.



Close your server sessions remotely

I work for a fairly large corporation, manage a not insignificant number of server, and have to change my password every 90 days. Sometimes, I would change my password and not be fully signed out of some obscure server somewhere. This server would attempt to refresh my credentials until my account was locked. Then I get to call the helpdesk, unlock and quickly try to find the offending server.

That was exausting. Now I use this function.

How To

Load it into a PowerShell session and either pipe your server names in or add them as a parameter. I keep a file with all my servers in an array and I pipe that value through.


Closes all my sessions, and I no longer call the helpdesk. :)


This would be easy to make into a module that is available in your PowerShell environment. You could also rewrite it a bit to accept any user, not just the current one. Have fun.