Ken Hansen

Ken Hansen

I do computers.

About Ken Hansen

Oh hi!

Nice that you decided to stop by. I’m a father of a wonderful child, spouse to an amazing woman, planet loving tree-hugger, and a fighter for justice. My job is that of a SharePoint Architect. :smile:.

About the site

So, I have learned a lot from the developers out there that put their hard work up for all to see and use. I wouldn’t be where I am without their generous help. This is all about paying it forward.

A lot of what you will find here is SharePoint centric. Sometimes even very specific to whatever job I had when I made the repo. But there are other fun things too. I will add more when I have time.

Demo Pages

Name Description
[Post with Header Image][header-image-post] A post with a large header image.
[HTML Tags and Formatting Post][html-tags-post] A variety of common markup showing how the theme styles them.
[Syntax Highlighting Post][syntax-post] Post displaying highlighted code.
[Post with a Gallery][gallery-post] A post showing several images wrapped in <figure> elements.
Sample Collection Page Single page from a collection.
Categories Mixer Posts grouped by category.
Tags Mixer Posts grouped by tag.

For even more demo pages check the posts mixer.


Icons + Demo Images:


Frosting is designed, developed, and maintained by Michael Rose. Just another boring, tattooed, designer from Buffalo New York.